WhatsApp's latest update for iOS users introduces a new Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature that allows users to multitask during video calls. The PiP feature lets users shrink the video call window to a smaller size and move it around their screen while continuing the call, allowing them to use other apps simultaneously.
This new feature has become increasingly popular among WhatsApp users, particularly those who need to take notes, check emails, or browse the internet while on a call. The PiP feature allows users to do all these activities without interrupting the call, making video calling more convenient and enjoyable.
To use the PiP feature, the user simply needs to swipe up on their screen to access the home screen, and the video call will shrink into a smaller window. They can then move this window around and resize it as per their preference, allowing them to use other apps and continue the call at the same time.
This feature is particularly helpful for people who use video calling for work, as it allows them to multitask and stay productive during calls. They can take notes during the call, access their calendar to schedule meetings, and even send emails, all while staying connected with their colleagues.
The PiP feature is also beneficial for those who use video calling for social purposes. For example, users can watch videos or browse the internet while on a call with their friends or family, without having to interrupt the call or switch between apps.
Overall, WhatsApp's new PiP feature for video calls on iOS enhances the video calling experience by making it more flexible and convenient. It allows users to multitask and stay productive during calls, making it easier to balance work and personal life. The feature also allows users to enjoy their leisure activities while staying connected with their loved ones. The PiP feature is another example of how WhatsApp continues to innovate and improve its platform to meet the needs of its users.
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